How to Build a Facebook Page Following?
One of the most common questions I am asked is “I’ve created a Facebook page, but how do I get followers?” Let’s explore the various ways in which you can grow your audience.
How to Gain Facebook Page Followers
Invite People
Start with the people you already know. When you create a page, Facebook will suggest that you invite your friends to like your page. This is a great opportunity to begin gaining your first few followers.
Share The Page
Share the content you have created on your own personal profile to increase awareness of your page. You could ask your friends to share the post with their friends and encourage them to like the page.
Mention Your Facebook Page
If you have a website, create a link to your Facebook profile on there. Consider printing your Facebook page name on your business cards or any other marketing material.
Be Active on Your Page
Consider posting on your page once a day. If you can’t create that much content, set yourself a target of 3 times a week, but remember quality is better than quantity. Keep your posts relevant and most importantly, engaging. If you are receiving comments on your posts, type a reply back. Your visitors will feel valued and will be more likely to comment again in the future. If your post is proving popular with likes, comments and shares, there’s a higher chance of it being shown in news feeds. What to post? Well, you could post about new products or services, perhaps a spotlight on team members or even give insight as to what goes on behind the scenes to show the hard work that goes into creating your product or service. You could also ask your followers a question, it’s engaging and can encourage discussion of a topic.
Give it a Boost!
You have probably seen the Boost post button next to your posts and perhaps wondered what it was for. Boosting is a really useful way of increasing your brand awareness and although you will need to pay for it, it is often cheaper than creating ads. Although you will have less chance of optimising like you would an ad, for a small cost you can expand your page reach, increase page likes and receive more engagements on your post. Remember we talked about inviting people before? Well if you get engagement from new visitors on your boosted post, don’t forget to invite them to like your page.
Create a Community
As a page owner, you can create a group for your page for people to come together and discuss topics. Groups can be great for sharing knowledge, building engagement and awareness of a page. Perhaps it could be a place for sharing tips among its members.
Share to Community Groups
Look for local community groups or groups that share a common interest in your product or service. When you create a post, consider sharing it with the community group or build connections within the group through discussion as it will increase awareness of your company. Do be mindful and observant of the group’s rules as not all groups allow sales posts. However, you could use it as a place to introduce yourself and your service. Consider sharing knowledge rather than a ‘look at my products’ sales post as not everyone wants to see that.
Don’t forget, whatever you do, interact and create a connection with your followers.